Interesting Articles

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Today we remember the ultimate sacrifice of love.

How have we made sacrifices of love in our own lives? Have our Lenten sacrifices been done in love? Our Lenten disciplines are to help us repent, offer ourselves to God, and grow in holiness. But it is difficult for that process to take place when we perform those disciplines out of obligation or with bitterness in our hearts rather than out of love. Some days we are better about this than others. The real test is how we offer up the sacrifices that we didn’t choose or our attitude when we aren’t feeling well or are just having a rough day.

Well today Jesus has about the roughest day possible and he is still able to love through it all, from healing the soldiers ear to forgiving his crucifers, and everything in between. And last night, in the midst of all the pressure and anxiety that he must have had about the events that he knew were soon to unfold, while anticipating all the pain, torture, mockery and humiliation that he was about to endure, he was still able to display for his disciples the model of service in washing their feet, ministering to them and encouraging them in love as he himself was about to be killed.

May we always strive to imitate our Lord in his loving service, especially in the midst of trials and suffering, remembering that with the cross comes the Resurrection!

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