Interesting Articles

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One family, one parish trying to change the world

Since 2003 Our Lady of Good Council in Plymouth, MI and Haciendita Uno in El Salvador have formed a sister community to celebrate the universal church across political, linguistic, and cultural barriers.

Since their relationship has begun, Our Lady of Good Council has focused on developing educational opportunities for the youth in Haciendita Uno from elementary school through college.

In El Salvador for six years of college studies, it costs a total of $13,200 per student. The parish has pledged to send five students to college. Yet, the parish has run into difficulties raising the necessary funds. They are currently in need of $33,000 in order to complete their goal of sending five students to college.

With full support of the parish priest, the parish Deacon and his wife have moved into a shack on the front lawn of the parish. This shack is in the style of homes commonly seen in rural El Salvador. They are planning on living in the shack, with no phone, internet, running water, shower, electricity, air conditioning, or stove until the full amount of money has been raised.

As I reflect on times when I have encountered problems or difficulties in my life or in my work, I can see examples of times I have backed-down or changed course or allowed the situation to takeover what I think is right. Yet, here Deacon Don has a clear understanding of what is right and what is fair. He is refusing to change course and refusing to take no as an answer. He is planning on living on the front steps of the parish until the five youth of El Salvador get the education that they so desperately need.

Hearing stories like this makes me remember that one person or one family or one parish truly can make a difference. One should never take no as the final answer and one should not waiver from what is the right path.

To see pictures of his shack or read Deacon Don reflections on his experience, please see his blog at

Please keep Deacon Don, his wife Mary, their parish, and Haciendita Uno in your prayers and please spread the word about their efforts.

If you happen to find yourself in Plymouth, MI, Deacon Don and Mary welcome all visitors to their shack.

And in the words of Deacon Don:
Peace and all good.

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