Interesting Articles

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jesus among the poor


Lately, I've been struck by an awareness of how deeply and how very often God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are at work in the homeless population at Andre House. Last night when I was working in the dining room I saw many many people bow their heads and thank God for their food. Ragged clothes, dirt under their fingernails, a lot on their hearts and minds, yet still they take the time to thank God for the meal they have been given. I also have become aware of how many street people know the Lord. They have scripture memorized, and they know what it means to entrust their lives to the Lord. I wonder what their walks with Christ have been like? In what ways has God used them in His plan? How has he shown them His grace? How have they responded? How do they continue to keep hope alive? Why has the Father brought our lives together?
I find hope in the promise of the resurrection and eternal life, but I wonder if I would see things differently if I were homeless, lonely, or addicted to crack. I can understand the promises of eternal life in the context of God's overwhelming love and blessing that I have received out of His enormous grace. Without my experience of these blessings would I still be able to embrace and believe that heaven awaits me? Would I even be able to imagine what heaven might be like? Why am I so blessed while others go without basic needs, even being defiled, degraded, raped, and loosing all conscience thought? How can these people hope in the Lord? What grace they must receive to be able to continue to put their lives, their eternities, in God's hands despite what they might be lacking here on earth.
Lord, help me to be more like the homeless I serve - Loving you, and hoping in you because of who you are and not because of what you have done for me.

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